Why Does My Cat Eat Paper?

Whether you find it astonishing or not, the act of cats consuming cardboard

and paper is a widespread issue. 

On occasions, pet owners misinterpret their cats’ interaction with a toilet roll as

an intention to consume it. 

In alternate scenarios, the allure of the scent or flavor of the substance that was

once enclosed within the paper might entice the cat.

Interestingly, a significant population of cats experiences a condition known

as Pica Syndrome, wherein they feel a compulsion to ingest inedible substances.

Pica Syndrome

Pica syndrome manifests as a behavioral disorder characterized by the compulsion

to consume non-nutritive substances. 

In the case of cats, typical items encompass hair ties, bobby pins, plastic, wood,

and paper-based items.

Interestingly, this phenomenon is not exclusive to felines; it also occurs in humans.

 Surprisingly, it’s more prevalent among cats than one might assume, given their

selective eating habits on other occasions.

Reasons Why Cat’s Eat Papers

1.Lack Of Nutrients

A widely held notion is that a cat will instinctively search for any elements it might be

deficient in from its daily dietary intake. 

This doesn’t imply a deficiency of paper, of course, but rather a potential insufficiency

of crucial components such as protein, fiber, or fat. 

Consequently, the cat’s body might be driven to explore alternative avenues for obtaining

the essential nutrients and elements it requires.


Similar to humans, cats also experience a teething phase as their adult teeth begin to emerge. 

Your young kitten might engage in chewing and consuming paper due to swollen gums,

finding solace in the sensation and texture it provides. 


Certain cats find pleasure in the texture or even the taste of paper and cardboard, and

this behavior might not necessarily stem from an underlying cause. 

If they are tearing the material apart and leaving it on the ground instead of consuming it,

it’s possible they’re simply delighting in the playful activity.

4. Boredom might be affecting your cat.

One potential explanation for your cat’s behavior of tearing, biting, and consuming paper

could be sheer boredom. 

It’s possible that you haven’t been providing her with sufficient attention lately, and you might

be finding less time to engage in play. Your increased absence due to work commitments

could also be a factor.

5.Stress Or Anxiety

The consumption of paper and non-edible items by your cat might be a response to stress. 

This could result from abrupt household changes, like renovations or the introduction of

new pets or family members. 

Your feline friend might resort to eating objects as a way to cope with her

feelings of stress and anxiety.

6.Pica Syndrome

Pica represents a behavioral inclination in certain cats to consume non-consumable

substances such as fabric, cardboard, plastic, or paper. Breeds like the Tonkinese, Siamese,

and other Orientals tend to exhibit this behavior more prominently than others. 

This tendency is frequently noticed in cats that were separated from their mother’s milk prematurely.

Methods To Prevent Your Cat From Consuming Paper And Other Non-edible Objects.

1.Allocate quality time for your cat.

Set aside a portion of your schedule to engage with your cat. 

Dedicate a few minutes each day to play with her, groom her fur, or enjoy

cuddle and petting sessions.

 Cats might develop a habit of consuming objects like paper due to boredom and

a yearning for companionship and attention.

2.Seek advice from a cat behavior specialist.

If you have concerns that your cat’s behavior is not linked to health issues, consider

consulting a cat behaviorist.

3.Apply deterrents to objects that your cat might be prone to consuming.

For a cat that has a fondness for consuming paper or non-edible items such as cords,

fabric, or plastic, consider using potent scents that cats dislike, like citrus, to discourage them.

4.Provide your cat with suitable items for chewing.

Cats have a tendency to nibble on items like paper. 

To discourage this behavior, offer her suitable alternatives to chew on, such as cat toys.


In conclusion, cats’ penchant for consuming paper can stem from various factors,

including nutrient deficiencies, teething, boredom, stress, and Pica Syndrome. 

This behavior, surprisingly prevalent among cats, can be attributed to a range of causes. 

To address this issue, dedicating quality time to your cat, seeking expert advice, utilizing deterrents,

and offering appropriate chew toys are effective strategies. 

Understanding the reasons behind this behavior and taking appropriate measures can

ensure your cat’s well-being and minimize the tendency to eat non-edible items like paper.



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