Why Does My Cat Sleep On The Floor?

Your feline companion frequently chooses to rest on the floor, a behavior

that helps regulate their body temperature. 

When the temperature rises significantly, your cat instinctively s

eeks out cooler spots for slumber. 

You might notice them seeking refuge on the bathroom tiles or your bed. Remember,

this behavior is perfectly natural and doesn’t require any concern.

Why Your Cat Chooses to Sleep on the Floor Frequently

1.You Move Too Much

Some cats get sick and tired of your constant movement at the night.

If that happens they may opt for the floor instead.

If you’re someone who begins the night on the left and concludes on

the right, unaware of the occurrences in between, this is precisely the

situation your cat aims to steer clear of!

2.Cooling Off

On occasion, a cat might opt for slumbering on the floor due to its cooler surface. 

This is particularly relevant if you reside in a warm climate or during the summertime. 

Even though your bed might be invitingly snug, it can generate excess heat for your cat.

Consequently, your feline companion could choose the floor as a

more comfortable sleeping spot, avoiding the warmth held by blankets

that could potentially lead to discomfort during its rest.

3.Prefers Hard Surface

It’s perfectly ordinary for not all cats to fancy beds.

Cats who haven’t been introduced to beds in their early stages might naturally

gravitate towards reclining on the floor.

 Certain cats exhibit a proclivity for resting on the ground,

irrespective of whether there’s carpeting or any form of padding.

You may also observe a tendency among cats to opt for the floor

when the seasons shift to warmer months. 

This tendency is particularly noticeable in places devoid of carpeting,

as those surfaces tend to remain cooler. 

Although cats appreciate warmth, they’re also cautious about avoiding

overheating while they sleep.

4.They Don’t Trust You

Another factor contributing to your cat’s consistent choice of

sleeping or resting on the floor could be their level of trust in you. 

This particularly pertains to cats that typically shared your bed for sleep but

have now altered their preference.

If your cat previously snoozed alongside you but has now unexpectedly opted

for the floor, it suggests a shift in their trust toward you.

 Such changes in behavior typically occur inadvertently.

5.Health Issues

The way your cat positions itself while sleeping on the floor could potentially

indicate underlying health concerns. 

For instance, if a cat rests with its chin on the ground or its neck elongated,

it might be struggling with breathing problems linked to lung issues.

 If you find yourself worried about this behavior or noticing other unusual actions,

consulting a veterinarian could offer reassurance through a proper assessment.

Strategies to Prevent Your Cat From Resting on the Floor

1.Put Some Catnip On The Bed

To begin, let’s acquaint ourselves with the concept of catnip.

Catnip is a plant that interacts with the pleasure receptors in your feline friends.

When exposed to catnip, your cat’s reactions might include rolling,

flipping, rubbing, and heightened playfulness.

 Catnip contributes to your cat’s sense of relaxation and contentment.

Placing catnip on your cat’s bed and allowing them to sniff it can create a

lasting positive association with that spot.

 As a result, your cat may be inclined to spend increased time on their bed,

consequently decreasing the instances of sleeping or resting on the floor.

2.Put Their Bed On The Righr Spot

Moving on to the next suggestion, consider strategic bed placement for your cat. 

Position your feline’s bed within their favored sleep zones. 

Should your cat have a penchant for snoozing on the kitchen floor,

consider situating their bed in proximity to that very spot.

3.Make Their Bed Comfortable

Another approach to encourage your cat to use their designated bed is to

ensure it’s tailored for their comfort.

Should you observe your cat’s affinity for floor spaces, consider adding an element to

their bed that provides a firm texture.

 Conversely, if your cat prefers lounging on plush surfaces, introduce a pillow or a similarly

soft item to create a cozy and inviting sleeping environment.


In conclusion, your cat’s floor sleeping habits can be attributed to various factors. 

These include their natural desire to regulate body temperature, seek cooler spots, and find comfort.

 Some cats might choose the floor due to distrust, health concerns, or personal preferences.

 Employing strategies like using catnip, placing the bed strategically,

and ensuring comfort can guide your cat to embrace their designated sleeping space and minimize floor rest.



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