Why Does My Cat Lick My Armpit?

Imagine this scenario: You’re lounging comfortably on your bed or sofa, arms

raised in relaxation, when all of a sudden, your charming cat attempts to access your armpits.

Initially, this doesn’t appear unusual, as cats often seek closeness and affection

from their owners, snuggling up for warmth. 

However, your tiny feline companion takes it a step further.

 He proceeds to investigate and even lightly nibble on your armpits. 

It dawns on you that there must be something irresistibly intriguing to the animal about your underarms.

Why Your Cat Finds Licking Your Armpit Appealing


If your cat has a strong affection for you, they may have a desire to smell your scent. 

Your distinctive odor tends to be concentrated in your armpits, which is why we use deodorant in that area. 

So, when your cat nuzzles into your armpit, it could be a sign that they simply want to be near you.


In the case of a young kitten, it’s possible that they were separated from their mother at an early age.

 Kittens taken from their mothers prematurely might bury their head

in your armpit because it evokes memories of nursing from their mother, providing

them with a sense of comfort.


Grooming is a sign of affection in cats. 

They groom fellow cats they hold dear, and in the eyes of feline science, cats perceive

their owners as oversized, two-legged cats who struggle with cat-like tasks. 

Thus, they groom you, including your armpits, as a way to teach you how to groom

yourself and help you stay clean!


Odd as it may seem, your armpit sweat holds some nutritional value for cats! 

Cats are obligate carnivores, which means their natural diet primarily

consists of animal proteins, constituting at least 70%.

 Armpit sweat happens to contain above-average levels of fats and proteins. 

Your cat’s keen sense of smell is finely attuned to detecting traces of

animal proteins, and your armpit sweat is no exception.

5.The cat is seeking warmth.

When you relax with raised arms, your cat snuggles under your armpits for warmth. 

This behavior stems from the fact that armpits are warmer than the body, providing comfort on chilly days.

6.Medical issues beneath the surface

Rarely, certain illnesses can cause your cat to sniff or lick your armpits.

One such condition is separation anxiety, common in abandoned pets lacking stimulation. 

Symptoms include extreme anxiety when you leave, exuberant greetings

upon your return, escape attempts, unusual eating habits, destructive behaviors, and pacing.

Pica, an obsessive-compulsive disorder, may also lead your cat to sniff

or lick unusual objects, like your underarms, that are not part of their usual diet.


In conclusion, your cat’s armpit fascination can be attributed to various factors. 

They may be drawn by your scent, seek comfort reminiscent of nursing, show

affection through grooming, or even find nutritional value in your armpit sweat. 

Additionally, the warmth of your armpits can be a cozy spot for your feline friend. 

However, in rare cases, underlying medical conditions like separation

anxiety or pica may also contribute to this behavior. 

Understanding these reasons can help you better bond with your furry

companion and ensure their well-being.


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